Horizon's case management services are provided to support individuals with a mental health illness, substance use disorder or intellectual and developmental disabilities. The goal of case management is to advocate on behalf of the client's needs and assist the individual to access activities, supports, and services identified in the Individual Service Plan (ISP). The result is the successful identification of dependable supports in the community that promotes long-term wellness, healthy self-reliance, continued growth, and meaningful connections in the community.  

Our Case Managers:

  • Understand that physical health and environmental stressors can affect a person’s overall well-being.
  • Coordinate with local resources and organizations when necessary to address whole-person health consistent with a wrap-around care model.
  • Strive to connect individuals and families to community resources, needed services, and monitor for satisfaction of services and support received. 
  • Continually monitor and assess for any additional areas of need and support.